Examples of materials commonly prepared and examined include:


Touchstone metallographers have the experience needed for your foam metallographic preparation.

Call 304-547-5800 or e-mail today for a free quotation!

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In 1998, Touchstone worked on the development of a new strong, lightweight material made from coal which has since become our product, CFOAM®. The research, development, and quality control needed to develop this product has provided Touchstone’s metallography laboratory with the sample volume necessary to perfect the preparation of many types of foams.

Resin impregnation into the deep cell structure of foams during sample mounting as well as various microscopic imaging techniques have proved to be the key in providing quality images of various foam structures. Image analysis data such as cell size distribution and ligament thicknesses are common in the study of many foams here at Touchstone.

Whether simple photomicrographs of your samples are all that’s needed, or an in depth analytical study, we are certain that the staff at Touchstone will prove to be the answer to your foam metallography needs.

Touchstone is equipped to provide foam metallography services that encompass initial sample preparation such as cutting and mounting as well as polishing and image analysis through the use of our stereomicroscopes, inverted light microscope, or one of our three scanning electron microscopes (SEM).

Whatever your brass metallographic needs, Touchstone has the personnel and equipment necessary to provide the quality and service you require.