Due to the very large number of tests offered, descriptions of those most commonly requested have been gathered into the following groups:

ASTM D1621 – Compression Testing of Rigid Cellular Plastics

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ASTM D1621 Testing is the compressive strength of a cellular material determined by applying load to a test specimen with a square or circular cross section. These test specimens are carefully prepared so the faces are parallel to each other and perpendicular to the sides. Touchstone is also able to perform the technically equivalent standard, ISO 844 – Determination of Compression Properties of Rigid Cellular Plastics.

The test specimens must be conditioned for no less than 40 hours at 23 ± 2°C (73.4 ± 3.6°F) and 50% ± 5% relative humidity. Touchstone has a large environmental chamber (photo on right) capable of conditioning a wide range of sample sizes.

The test specimens are centered between two compression platens (photo below left) and load is applied at a constant crosshead or actuator rate. Specimen d isplacement and load are recorded throughout the test. Compressive strength can be determined in one of two manners, Peak or 10% deformation stress, depending on the characteristics of the stress-displacement curve.

After testing and analysis, compressive strength, modulus and deformation at maximum load are reported. The data obtained from the compression tests provide a standard method of obtaining data for research and development and quality control.

Please email or call (304) 547-5800 for information regarding test procedures, results, specimen information, pricing or any other ASTM D1621 questions you may have.


ASTM D1621 – Standard Test Method for Compressive Properties of Rigid Cellular Plastics

Reference: ISO 844: Rigid Cellular Plastics – Determination of Compression Properties