ASTM G85 Annex 1 (A1) – Acetic Acid Salt Spray (Fog) Testing

ASTM G85 Annex 1 (A1) is a corrosion test which uses acetic acid to achieve the specified pH range.

Salt Solution: A sodium chloride salt solution is defined within the ASTM method.

pH Range: 3.1 – 3.3

Test Temperatures: The temperature in the exposure zone of the salt spray chamber or cabinet is to be kept constant at 35°C +/- 2°C or (95°F +/- 3°F). The temperature of the saturator tower (bubble tower) is to be kept at 47 +/- 1°C (117+/- 2°F)

Test Cycle: ASTM G85 Annex 1 (A1) is a continuous spray (fog) test.

This test is very useful in research studies of the electroplating process of decorative chromium plating on a steel or zinc die-cast base. This test can be as short as 16 hours, but typically runs for 144 to 240 hours or more.