Examples of materials commonly prepared and examined include:


Touchstone is your answer for lead metallographic sample preparation needs.

Call 304-547-5800 or e-mail today for a free quotation!

Lead metallography lab photo, with Nomarski Interference Contrast, by www.trl.comLead is notorious for being one of the most difficult materials to metallographically prepare.  Lead is very soft which makes it extremely susceptible to smearing and distortion.  This distortion can mask the true grain structure and lead to a false interpretation of a given specimen’s microstructure.  The personnel at Touchstone use techniques such as etching between polishing steps to remove this distortion and ensure the lead microstructure you see is truly representative of the material.

Touchstone has been involved in standard lead polishing preparations as well as lead alloy process developments.  We have the skills and equipment necessary to accommodate all of your lead metallography needs.  Whether you are looking for a lab to simply provide you with images for quality control support, or would be interested in help from a PhD metallurgist in perfecting your lead alloy development, Touchstone is available to serve you.

Touchstone is equipped to provide lead metallography services that encompass initial sample preparation such as cutting and mounting as well as polishing, etching, and even image analysis through the use of our stereomicroscopes, inverted light microscope, or one of several scanning electron microscopes (SEM).

Whatever your lead metallographic needs, Touchstone has the personnel and equipment necessary to provide the quality and service you require.